Search Results
Maize '21 - Claas 860 with Silver Massey and New Holland.
Maize '21 - Claas 860 and the Silver Massey! Plus two New Hollands,
Maize '21 - Strongs Hard at Work! With Claas 860, and New Holland. Some T8 Scenes!
Maize '21 - Claas 860 with Super Power Support! New Holland T8.410 and Friends!
Maize '20 - Harvesting with Claas 880, Two Masseys and Two Fendts.
September Silage '21 - Lifting with Claas 860.
Maize Harvest with Claas 960 and Black Case with Silver Massey and Red Case.
Silaging with Kuhn MergeMaxx and Claas 860 with New Holland - T8 - some hedge-cutting as well!
Maize '21 - Claas 950 with John Deere Support.
Silaging with MergeMaxx and Claas 860
Maize Harvest - Claas 960 with Silver Massey, Black Case and Red Massey etc, . . .
Maize '21 - John Deere 8600 Finishing His Field - but there's more . . .